Druck Liquid TC 165/255
Multi-purpose calibrators

Druck Liquid TC 165/255

Druck Liquid TC 165/255 Multi-Purpose Calibrators combine the portability of dry block calibrators with the flexibility of liquid immersion baths to enable the testing and calibration of virtually any shape and size of devices.

The calibrators can be re-configured by the user to function as a liquid bath, as an infra-red black body source and as a dry block calibrator with interchangeable inserts. The latest heating and electronic control technology, combined with continuous liquid agitation of the fluid bath, provide high accuracy and stability throughout the large homogeneous measuring zone.

The calibrators are factory configured as liquid baths and are provided with a bath cover to hold up to 5 devices while reducing heat loss from the surface of the liquid medium.

Two models are available.
LiquidTC 165 generates temperatures from -35°C to 165°C
LiquidTC 255 generates temperatures from ambient to 255°C
